WordPress Is a Fantastic Website Platform

But it needs effective website managing
For Security and maximum efficiency

We are specialists in the design and of WordPress websites and website management
and work towards safety and efficiency of WordPress sites

Our services

Log In Security

We review your website login details and make them more secure. 98% of all WordPress websites we have reviewed are insecure in some way

Database Clean Up

We look at your database structure to check if it has any unnecessary additions and optimise it so it runs more efficiently

Posts Clean Up

We remove the excess posts revisons cause when saving. In a recent review we found 1700+ revisions which had major impact on the site's efficiency

Comments Removal

Unless you have removed the ability to accept comments you will be spammed with worthless comments that need to be removed

SEO Management

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is vital if your site is to be found on Google etc. We create a robots index file to promote SEO and offer keyword advice

Website Redesign

A quality website is so important today to establish credibility with customers. Our modern design styles create a powerful image for any business

Why You Need To Manage Your WordPress Website


WordPress Powers 25%+ of the internet

For that reason it needs extra management support, as anything that popular is a target for hackers. It is estimated over 20,000 websites are hacked daily.

What do all these Hacked Websites have in Common?

Lack of proper website security.

Much of the vulnerability happens because of failure to upgrade themes and plugins.

Such hacks can cost any business dearly in lost business and credibility.


WordPress is stable but needs frequent updates

WordPress is an ever-changing environment and wonderful as it is it needs to be upgraded with regular frequency to meet modern demands and increased security.

Not only does WordPress platform itself need to be managed, but also Themes and Plugins require constant maintenance too.

Failure to upgrade any of these can result in vulnerabilities in security and although WP is an extremely stable system, out of date add-ons can lead to occasional conflict and failures within the website.


WordPress add-ons can cause slow loading

Apart from causing vulnerabilities, out of date themes and plugins can prevent WordPress from operating properly and increase loading times,and nobody likes slow websites

WordPress can become very messy if it is not manage properly. For example, every time you save a page or post, WordPress automatically creates a revison copy.

That means if you save a post 20 times while building it, not unusual, you actually have 20 copies of it sitting on your system. Multiply this by all your posts and they really  add up.

The Damage Hackers Can Do To A WordPress Website

Hackers come in many guises.

Those who are purely malicious and only set out to damage or destroy a website because they can and those who want to steal from you.

So, why would someone hack your website?

Hackers are able to attack a certain version of a certain type of website easily as any specific site, so if there are a million websites on a list matching their criteria, they can quite literally hack a million websites automatically in one go, overnight.

They could use your server to mine bitcoins to make them money, essentially slowing down your server potentially to the point it is unusable. They can use your server to send spam emails, which could add you to spam-lists stopping your emails from going through. They could also subtly (or not so subtly) alter the content on your website to promote their own, or alter how Google sees it to boost their own ranking at the expense of yours. or even destroy your website altogether.

These few reasons are just the proverbial tip if the iceberg. A genuine business can suffer greatly at the hands of spite or greed. MORE ABOUT SECURITY HERE

How We Can Prevent This From Happening?

Don’t Think “It Can’t Happen To Me” or “Why Would They Bother With Me?” You are a means to an end – Their End

How We Can Help Protect You

We have been working on WordPress sites for more than 10 years and in that time have built up extensive knowledge about how to maximise protection against WP vulnerabilities. We build all our sites that way and have helped hundreds of customers along the way.
Chris Richards

Before We Tell You What We Fix

Here Is a Free Tip

You will be amazed that many WordPress website owners still use the default username “ADMIN” and their email address as their password. Believe it or not we have seen commercial business with “PASSWORD” as ther password


Why is this so important? Because every hacker knows that ADMIN is the default username so half their work is already done.

Secondly, your email address should never be used as a password as that too is a gift to hackers

Make a No Obligation Enquiry

Experience in designs that work

We have been designing classy and quality WordPress websites for a number of years with our specialist area being small businesses.

As a result of our immense experience we have all the knowledge to support any existing WP website for every type of business

We Make a wordpress website work

It does not come any easier to create websites on WordPress with us